24 de outubro de 2022 a 26 de fevereiro de 2023
Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Roma, Itália

HOT SPOT is titled after the work of the same name by Mona
Hatoum (Hot Spot, 2013), included in the exhibition: a
large installation in iron and neon which portrays planet Earth
aglow with a red light symbolizing the conflicts that make it
scorching hot. The work tells of how the disruptive way in which
human society has been organized seems to lead to an environmental
The failure of the current project of modernity and of the very
possibility of a harmonious development of humanity in its
environment is today more than evident and firmly takes center
stage in the contemporary debate.
The exhibition itinerary brings together the multiple responses of
the artists to these conditions through the poetic power of art.
The selected works delve into the complexity of the current
situation, offering not so much a perspective of social
denunciation as an aesthetic activism intended to stimulate
thinking and raise awareness about the impending disaster, in
order to imagine a different relationship with the planet.
As curator Gerardo Mosquera, explains: “It is only natural that
art should address such burning issues: many artists have done
this during the course of their career in a militant, responsive
and relevant way. This exhibition, on the other hand, offers its
contribution to ecological-social criticism through a more
indirect, but no less urgent and timely route. The exhibition path
does not consider the issue as something specific, but opens it up
and amplifies it by exploring other aspects, at times ambiguous
and contradictory, or even harmonious, suggesting the possibility
of a rebirth of the natural environment, since life on Earth has
an enormous capacity for resilience”.
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Créditos das imagens: La Galleria Nazionale/Adriano Moura
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