Mondo Reale
15 de julho de 2022 a 08 de janeiro de 2023
Triennale Milano & Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain
Milão, Itália

Mondo Reale is an exhibition presented by The Fondation
Cartier pour l’art contemporain, as part of the 23rd International
Exhibition Unknown Unknowns. An introduction to Mysteries.
Invited by Stefano Boeri, President of Triennale Milano, to join
the Advisory Board of the 23rd International Exhibition, Hervé
Chandès, Directeur général artistique of the Fondation Cartier
conceived the show in collaboration with Italian designers
Formafantasma and seventeen international contemporary artists,
many of whose works have been especially commissioned for
Mondo Reale.
While the exhibition Unknown Unknowns moves away from Earth
to explore the mysteries of the universe, Mondo Reale is
imagined as a landing on our planet, a step into the unknown of
the everyday world.
The exhibition brings together works expressing a feeling of the
unknown. The unknown as perceived in the world we live in by
looking at the sky, as explored by mathematicians and poets or
experienced through encounters with different cultures, faith, or
natural disasters. The unknown as an unexpected reality that
leaves us amazed, incredulous, amused, disoriented, dismayed,
questioning, worried or full of curiosity and eager to push back
the boundaries of knowledge.
Allowed to freely wander among the artworks, the visitors are
invited to embrace the mysteries of the unknown and let their
imagination, curiosity, and emotions run wild.
Gathering films, paintings, photographs, ceramics, installations
and sculptures, Mondo Reale welcomes seventeen international
artists as well as mathematicians, physicists, and philosophers.
The exhibition includes new commissions to artists Alex Cerveny,
Yann Kebbi, Jessica Wynne, Sho Shibuya, Virgil Ortiz, two special
projects by David Lynch and Sho Shibuya and artworks from the
collection of the Fondation Cartier commissioned for past
exhibitions such as Unknown Quantity (Paris, 2002)
organised with philosopher Paul Virilio or
Mathematics, a Beautiful Elsewhere
(Paris, 2011).
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créditos das imagens: Fondation Cartier/Andrea Rossetti
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